Sunday, October 3, 2010

Background on Child Soldiers

    A child soldier is a person under the age of 18 that is a member of an armed force or political group. These children participate in all combat warfare. They usually have an AK-47 and M16's in their hands. Also they are used for suicide missions, serve as mine detectors and act as spies or lookouts. some of the children are taken as sex slaves.
    Most of  these children are abducted or recruited by force and they are to obey orders or they will have to be killed if they dont. Some children join because of desperation so they can survive. Alot of these children are seperated from there families so they join an army just to survive. others seek escape so they join to get revenge on family members that have died in the past.
    Unfortunately child soldiers exist in all parts of the world. Child soldiers are mostly in Africa, where kids as young as 9 years old have been envolve in war. Also children have been used for war in Asia, and parts in Latin America, Europe, and in the middle East. 

"Background on Child Soldiers | Do Something." Volunteer | Do Something. Web. 04 Oct. 2010. <>.

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