Thursday, October 21, 2010

Invisible Children Website

    when I was looking for sites on the Internet i found a really good site about child soldiers. The site was called Invisible Children. The creators of this site were Laren Poole and Jason Russel. The website was really easy to follow and it was laid out really well. Also the website is very organized so it's easy to find information. In the article i was reading on the website they just told the basics. For example they said how long has child soldiers been going on and there opinion on child soldiers. They do have all the basics correct on their site. Also this is a trustworthy source because it's very accurate. If somebody was new to this site you could learn so much about child soldiers. The main goal of this site is trying to help child soldiers and what can we do to help them. The topics in this website are supported well and they have very helpful visuals. For the most part this is a very helpful useful website.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Child Soldiers Today

     A lot has changed over the years when it comes to child soldiers. There are still children being abducted from there families but the number has gone down significantly when this was going on 10 years ago. In the last 2 years there is an estimation that 900,000 out of 1.8 million displaced children has  returned to their homes. There are still 1 million children living at Internally Displaced Camps. Some of these children have been displaced for more than 10 years.
    Child Soldiers have been recently used by irregular armed forces in west Africa, Sudan, and the horn of Africa. Basically most of Somalia. Both governments have been using children to refuel their armies. International law allows children 15 years old can take part in the hostilities if they choose to but a lot of these children get kidnapped from their families. When these kids get recruited they are immediately out on the battle field. They all are used for the most treacherous tasks as they are regarded as being expendable and replaceable. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Background on Child Soldiers

    A child soldier is a person under the age of 18 that is a member of an armed force or political group. These children participate in all combat warfare. They usually have an AK-47 and M16's in their hands. Also they are used for suicide missions, serve as mine detectors and act as spies or lookouts. some of the children are taken as sex slaves.
    Most of  these children are abducted or recruited by force and they are to obey orders or they will have to be killed if they dont. Some children join because of desperation so they can survive. Alot of these children are seperated from there families so they join an army just to survive. others seek escape so they join to get revenge on family members that have died in the past.
    Unfortunately child soldiers exist in all parts of the world. Child soldiers are mostly in Africa, where kids as young as 9 years old have been envolve in war. Also children have been used for war in Asia, and parts in Latin America, Europe, and in the middle East. 

"Background on Child Soldiers | Do Something." Volunteer | Do Something. Web. 04 Oct. 2010. <>.