Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Movie Review: Blood Diamond

In the movie Blood Diamond was directed by Edward Zwick. The movie stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou. The movie got five academy awards which were best editing, best sound, best sound mixing, best actor, and best supporting actor. Leonardo Dicaprio got the award for the best actor and Djimon Hounsou got the award for best supporting actor. The movie is based on a true story and historical events.
In the movie i think it was very well done because there was some little bits and pieces i didn't know about but i do now. Also the movie makes you think alot about what  people do just to get diamonds and how  big of deal this really is. 
The movie Blood Diamond is mainly about diamonds being found and sold to buyers like big diamond companies. Also theres alot of violence in the movie where people and kids being shot or either captured. If your a kid and you are captured, they brainwash you by giving lots of drugs so you wont remember who you are or where your from.  They train you to be a child soldier by teaching you how to shoot an innocent human being and capturing and destroying other villages. The lead actor Leonardo Dicaprio meets a local man in jail which is the supporting actor Djimon Hounsou, and he hid a diamond that he found while he got captured hen the rebels destroyed his village. Leonardo wants the diamond, so they go on a long journey to find the diamond. They face a bunch of obstacles along the way.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stats on Child Soldiers

    In the chart I found  about child soldiers is that  it says how many children in the world  have been involved  with  child soldiers. Also in red, it has children under the age of 15 have been child soldiers and in pink it has children under the age of 18 have been child soldiers. There are 31 countries have armed conflicts and 87% of children are deployed to go fight. 71% are deployed  when there under the age of  15.